user_preference_allow_ajax_update() is deprecated. Please use the "core_user/repository" module instead.
- line 41 of /lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php: call to debugging()
- line 29 of /theme/edma/layout/login.php: call to user_preference_allow_ajax_update()
- line 972 of /lib/classes/output/core_renderer.php: call to include()
- line 888 of /lib/classes/output/core_renderer.php: call to core\output\core_renderer->render_page_layout()
- line ? of unknownfile: call to core\output\core_renderer->header()
- line 109 of /lib/classes/output/bootstrap_renderer.php: call to call_user_func_array()
- line 390 of /login/index.php: call to core\output\bootstrap_renderer->__call()